
Monday, January 14, 2013

More QR Codes (3 Ways to Use Them in the Classroom)

What the heck is a QR code? A barcode functions in two dimensions. A scanner reads blocks from left to right. A QR code is read in three dimensions and therefore can contain much more information. They can be read through a free application on a smart phone or tablet device. They look like this:

In a previous post I outlined one idea for using QR codes in the classroom. In this post I will outline 3 ideas to incorporate technology into the physical world of your classroom through the use of QR codes.

1. Extra Credit Assignments:
In my previous post I specifically suggested that English teachers put codes inside SSR books to offer extra credit. This can be done in other content areas, too. Any extra reading can be easily linked to a website with up-to-date assignments. You don't waste paper printing assignments that students might not use, and assignments can include printable rubrics, templates, and links to resources.

2. Further Reference:
Giving students a handout on writing a thesis statement? Add a QR code with a link to a video or reference that they can scan if they have questions. Any time you have extra information that they can reference online, include it as a QR code. They are more likely to scan a code than type a long url into their computer.

3. Syncing Personal Devices:
If you are lucky enough to be in a school where you can conduct an assignment on personal devices, you can include a QR code (large) in your powerpoint (or Prezi) rather than asking students to type a URL into a device. A scan is much less time-consuming and much less prone to human error. You can link them to a website, social media account, or even an app that they need for the lesson.

These are just a few ideas. Be creative and think outside that box. Anything you can navigate to online can be linked through a QR code. Take advantage of those smart phones in your classroom and use them to engage students.

What can you do with QR codes? Share your ideas!