
Friday, February 15, 2013

Exercise Caution: Your Reputation and Facebook Promoted Posts

Scenario: During the 2012 election, you found a page that was supporting a candidate you supported. You hit "Like" on their page to comment on posts and share their funny info-graphics. Then in February, this page decides to post pro-marijuana images. They promote a post and suddenly your friends are getting a pro-drug post in their feed that is attributed to you. Congratulations! You've taken a dent to your squeaky clean teacher reputation.


This is a reality thanks to Facebook promoted posts. It seems harmless enough when you like Oreo or The Hunger Games, but comedy pages, political pages, and other less predictable Facebook pages can put your reputation at risk. 

You can't predict the stances of pages you like down the road, but the choices of their admins could put your good name on the line.

My advice? Don't friends parents or untrusted coworkers, and every few months go through your "Likes" and clean them out!

Good luck!